About Us

At Give Plants A Chance Foundation, our passion lies in creating a greener and more sustainable world. As an environmental organization, we firmly believe in practicing what we preach. From the very beginning, we made the commitment to be a carbon neutral company without relying on the purchase of carbon offsets. Our headquarters stand as a living testament to our dedication, boasting over 500 trees in various stages of growth - ranging from young saplings to ancient sentinels of nature. Additionally, we embrace the beauty of nature through our flourishing flower garden and thriving indoor plants. By leading by example and actively nurturing our environment, we strive to inspire others to cool the planet and make a meaningful impact. Join us in our journey towards a more sustainable future.

Our Mission

Our Mission at Give Plants A Chance Foundation, our goal is to combat air pollution with organic solutions, with a particular focus on the importance of plants. We aim to transform concrete jungles into thriving urban forests and farms by implementing a range of impactful strategies. We are committed to promoting environmental science education by creating and disseminating educational materials for public, private, and home school learning. By equipping individuals with the knowledge and understanding of plants as natural air purifiers, we empower communities to actively contribute towards cleaner and healthier environments. Additionally, we actively engage local governments, property owners, and developers, advocating for the preservation and expansion of green spaces. Through cooperative efforts, we strive to minimize the loss of green areas within communities, encouraging sustainable practices that positively impact climate and energy use. In order to fund ongoing initiatives and further expand green space endeavors, we rely on the generous contributions of supporters like you. Together, we can create a stronger connection between individuals with the knowledge and materials, and those with the energy and time to effect real change. Join us on our mission to make cities greener, more sustainable, and healthier for all.

Our Values

At Give Plants A Chance Foundation, we hold steadfast values that prioritize environmental well-being, particularly in relation to providing oxygen and reducing CO₂ levels. We are dedicated to taking proactive measures to tackle climate change, starting with the removal of excess CO₂ from the atmosphere and the cooling of our planet. Through strategic initiatives and collaborations, we aim to implement effective solutions. One such approach is through the increased planting of trees in urban and rural areas, which not only helps to reduce CO₂, but also enhances the beauty and resilience of our landscapes. Additionally, we advocate for the use of indoor plants, which naturally remove CO₂, increase oxygen levels, and contribute to improved mental health. As an integral part of our mission, we actively seek out and support organizations that share our values and work towards achieving our common goals. Through financial contributions and collaborative efforts, we aim to amplify the impact of these organizations and foster a meaningful, collective difference. We believe that by working together with a positive attitude and respect for all, we can create a healthier, more sustainable future for generations to come. Join us in our journey towards a greener planet and a brighter tomorrow.

What Is Give Plants A Chance Foundation

Give Plants A Chance Foundation is an environmental organization committed to transforming our cities from concrete jungles into thriving urban forests and farms. Founded by passionate and experienced individuals, our organization combines a deep respect for nature with scientific expertise in order to create a sustainable and greener future.

As a carbon-neutral company, we have taken the proactive stance of not relying on purchased carbon offsets. Our headquarters serve as a living testament to our mission, housing over 500 trees in various stages of growth — from young saplings to magnificent giants standing tall for over 50 years. The flourishing flower garden and carefully cultivated house plant collection further enhance the natural beauty and air quality of our space.

At Give Plants A Chance Foundation, we believe in employing organic means to improve air quality and establish a harmonious relationship between humans and their environment. Scientific methods have guided our research, allowing us to identify areas where we can effectively remove CO₂ without duplicating the efforts of other organizations. These findings have shed light on three primary areas of focus: unaddressed landowners with small rural properties ranging from five to 50 acres, the vast potential of indoor spaces that remain devoid of plant life, and the limited resources hindering the success of greening efforts in many cities.

By joining Give Plants A Chance Foundation, you become an essential part of our organic root solution to air pollution and the catalyst for change. Together, we can unleash the power of plants, reclaim our urban spaces with greenery, and create a future where cool, clean, and breathable air is a right enjoyed by all. Whether through financial support, volunteering, or spreading awareness about our mission, your dedication will help us sow the seeds of transformation. Get involved today and embark on a journey towards a healthier, more sustainable world.

Why We Are Doing This

Give Plants A Chance Foundation was founded with a deep sense of purpose and a commitment to addressing the flaws in the carbon offset industry. Witnessing the prevalent practice of wealthy individuals and corporations creating substantial carbon footprints in the United States and offsetting them with minimal investments in projects abroad, the founder realized the need for a more localized and effective approach. Thus, Give Plants A Chance Foundation was born with the clear mission of removing CO₂ from the air as close to the source as possible.

Alongside our passion for making a difference, we believe in the power of science to guide our actions. Plants, with their unique ability to capture and reduce carbon dioxide, serve as the backbone of our efforts. Unlike man-made solutions such as solar panels, wind turbines, or deep CO₂ injection, plants possess the remarkable ability to reproduce and multiply themselves. By simply planting a single Mangrove plant, for instance, a small island of Mangroves can emerge within a few years, showcasing the incredible growth potential of nature.

At Give Plants A Chance Foundation, we firmly believe that a combination of scientific knowledge and direct action can combat climate change and establish a sustainable future. It is not enough to rely solely on human-engineered solutions. Instead, our focus lies in nurturing and harnessing the inherent power of the natural world to address the pressing environmental challenges we face.

Join us in our journey towards a greener tomorrow. Your support, whether through contributions or spreading awareness, allows us to expand our mission and make a tangible impact. Together, we can leverage the incredible potential of plants to supply cool, clean, and breathable air, while creating a more sustainable and harmonious world for all.

When Should We Start To Be The Change

As the saying goes, the best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, and the second-best time is today. We have spent years raising our voices and hoping for change, but now it is time to take action ourselves. The question often arises: what can one person possibly do? The reality is, purchasing land is a lofty ambition in today’s world, and reducing electricity usage can be a challenge when modern living relies heavily on energy. However, this does not mean that we are powerless to make a difference.

At Give Plants A Chance Foundation, we believe in the power of collective action and recognize that small steps can lead to significant impact. When each of us contributes, even in our own unique ways, we create a ripple effect that can shape a better future for our planet. By supporting organizations like Give Plants A Chance Foundation, you are investing your time, energy, and resources in the most efficient and impactful way possible.

Through our initiatives and projects, we make it easier for individuals like you to contribute to meaningful change. Whether it’s volunteering your time, contributing funds, or spreading awareness about the role of plants in supplying cool, clean, and breathable air, your involvement plays a vital part in creating a greener and more sustainable world. The best time to start being the change is today, and together, we can nurture a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come.

Join Give Plants A Chance Foundation and become part of a movement that prioritizes action and strives for a healthier, more sustainable planet. Your support will amplify our impact and further our mission of transforming cities into lush, green spaces teeming with life. Start today, and let’s embrace the transformative power of plants in creating a better world for all.

Who Needs To Be Envolved

Within the United States alone, our monthly individual electricity usage, reliance on ride-sharing services, online shopping habits, and other daily conveniences result in an approximate emission of 3000 pounds of CO₂ per person. It is evident that without individual action, the pursuit of clean air and a sustainable future will remain a distant dream. While governments and corporations may be slow to relinquish power and prioritize emissions reductions, it is crucial that we take charge of our own impact on the environment.

Realistically, most of us find it challenging to allocate the time and resources required to plant trees each month, let alone determine the optimal species and suitable locations for planting. However, there are alternative ways for us to actively contribute. By donating just one percent of our take-home pay, we can support organizations like Give Plants A Chance Foundation, which are dedicated to coordinating and executing planting initiatives on our behalf.

At Give Plants A Chance Foundation, we understand the magnitude and complexity of undertaking widespread planting efforts. Our organization was created to shoulder the responsibility of coordinating and mobilizing all the necessary components to make a meaningful difference. Through your generous contributions, together, we can nurture a greener future and combat the increasing CO₂ levels in the atmosphere.

Now is the time for individuals like you to step forward and be part of this collective movement. By supporting Give Plants A Chance Foundation, you become an integral part of the solution, leveraging your resources and fostering change on a broader scale. Together, we can plant the seeds of transformation and cultivate a more sustainable world for present and future generations. Join us today and make a lasting impact for a greener tomorrow.

How Do You Make A Difference

Thank you for considering getting involved with Give Plants A Chance Foundation. We offer three methods for you to contribute and make a positive impact on the environment. Whether you choose to participate in the One Percent For One Degree program, support Penny For The Planet, or purchase collectible wooden tokens from Florida Born Company, each method allows you to play a part in environmental preservation.


Our One Percent For One Degree program is a simple and cost-effective way to support the environment. By contributing just one percent of your take-home pay, you can actively play a role in lowering the temperature of our cities, which is crucial for mitigating the effects of climate change and preserving our ecosystems.


Penny For The Planet is a positive and impactful way to give back to the planet that has provided us with clean, cool, and breathable air throughout our lives. Your small donations, equivalent to just a penny, support various environmental initiatives such as reforestation projects, clean energy initiatives, and conservation efforts. Each penny you contribute directly contributes to making a difference in protecting and preserving our planet.


By purchasing collectible wooden tokens from Florida Born Company at floridaborncompany.com, you are taking part in a meaningful partnership between both companies. The proceeds from every token sale contribute to the operating expenses of Give Plants A Chance Foundation, allowing us to continue our environmental preservation efforts. These tokens symbolize the long-term capture capacity of wood, with the CO₂ from the tree still stored inside. Each token you own showcases your commitment to long-term CO₂ removal and supports ongoing environmental initiatives.

Great people plant trees they'll never sit under. Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947) English philosopher.

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